This month as we gear up for spring and start getting ready to hide our Easter eggs, many of us will get that itch for a change. Maybe you’re thinking that you just don’t have enough kitchen counter space and it’s time to upgrade into a larger home. If your itch is to find a new home then you’re in luck, spring is the most popular time for housing activity with the highest number of residential listing.

With that being said, the drawback is having to compete with other buyers and sellers, you will definitely need the right realtor that will negotiate on your behalf to sell your existing residence and get that dream home. This is the season I turn up the heat and put on my A-game.
Sometimes holidays and long weekends are the best time to find that perfect home. While everyone else is busy with family activities there will be those determine to close a deal. I will admit however that juggling family functions and house hunting is no easy task, it takes patience and persistence. We found my sister her dream home during the Christmas Holidays and it required a lot of juggling and running around, but in the end our persistence won her a beautiful home.
For those who know me, they will tell you that I am not one who gives up easily. There is a stubbornness about me to see an idea or a job through until it is successfully executed. This personality trait has served me well with my clients and continue to do so in my real estate career. If you find me on your side, I will always put that extra effort to get results.
Go ahead and spring into your new home. Give me a call for your real estate needs. I bring knowledge, experience and passion.